Published by
Liverpool Biennial in partnership with DATA browser series.
ISSN: 2399-9675
Joasia Krysa, Manuela Moscoso
Editorial Assistant:
Abi Mitchell
Melissa Larner
Web Design:
Mark El-Khatib
Cover Design:
Manuela Moscoso (artwork), Joasia Krysa (words), Helena Geilinger (graphic design)
Creative AI Database
Serpentine R&D Platform & Kings College London
This is a database* of Creative AI tools for those interested in incorporating machine learning (ML) and other forms of artificial intelligence (AI) into their practice. They cover a broad spectrum of possibilities presented by the current advances in ML like enabling users to generate images from their own data, create interactive artworks, draft texts or recognise objects. Most of the tools require some coding skills, however, we’ve noted ones that don’t. Beginners are encouraged to turn to RunwayML https://runwayml.com.
*The database is an initiative of the Creative AI Lab (a collaboration between Serpentine's R&D Platform and the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London). It has been customised for Stages to show only tools and is available here. For the further resources like publications, essays, courses and interviews visit the full database here. The Lab commissioned Luba Elliott http://elluba.com to aggregate the tools listed here in 2020. To submit further tools, get in touch with the Lab https://creative-ai.org/info.
Creative AI Database for Stages: https://creative-ai.org/stages
The Creative AI Lab is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Luba Elliott is a curator, producer and researcher specialising in artificial intelligence in the creative industries. She is currently working to educate and engage the broader public about the latest developments in creative AI through talks, exhibitions and tech demonstrations at venues across the art, business and technology spectrum including The Photographers’ Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, ZKM Karlsruhe, Impakt Festival, The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, CogX, NeurIPS and ICCV.? Her recent projects include ART-AI Festival, the online gallery aiartonline.com and NeurIPS Machine Learning for Creativity and Design Workshop. She is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence. Prior to that, she worked in start-ups, including the art collector database Larry’s List. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Modern Languages at the University of Cambridge and has a certificate in Design Thinking from the Hasso-Plattner-Institute D-school in Potsdam.
- Editorial: Curating, Biennials, and Artificial Intelligence
Joasia Krysa and Manuela Moscoso - Towards a Poetics Of Artificial Superintelligence: How Symbolic Language Can Help Us Grasp The Nature and Power of What is Coming
Nora N. Khan - MI3 (Machine Intelligence 3)
Suzanne Treister - A Visual Introduction To AI
Elvia Vasconcelos - Excavating AI: The Politics of Images in Machine Learning Training Sets
Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglen - Notes On A (Dis)continuous Surface
Murad Khan - Irresolvable Contradictions in Algorithmic Thought
Leonardo Impett - Creative AI Lab: The Back-End Environments of Art-Making
Eva Jäger - Creative AI Database
Serpentine R&D Platform & Kings College London - Research & Development at the Art Institution
Victoria Ivanova and Ben Vickers - Future Art Ecosystems (FAE): Strategies for an Art-Industrial Revolution
Serpentine R&D Platform & Rival Strategy - Curating Data: Infrastructures of Control and Affect … and Possible Beyonds
Magda Tyzlik-Carver - The Next Biennial Should be Curated by a Machine - A Research Proposition
Joasia Krysa and Leonardo Impett - Glossary