Stages #1 Future City was published in April 2014
Stages is an online journal published by Liverpool Biennial. It is a space forstaging research, writing and thinking generated from the Biennial’s year-round programme.
Commissioning Editors:
Vanessa Boni and Sally Tallant
Vanessa Boni, Deena Chalabi and Michelle Dezember
Editorial Assistant:
Ellen Greig
Curatorial Intern:
Elizabeth Edge
Copy Editor:
Melissa Larner
Sara De Bondt studio
Acknowledgments:Stages is supported by a grant from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts and Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art
Stages – Issue 1Stages
- Future City
Vanessa Boni, Deena Chalabi, Michelle Dezember - Three Scenes and Speculations from a Future City
Rami El Samahy and Adam Himes - Walking Towards Revolution
Omar Kholeif - Interview with Slavs and Tatars
Deena Chalabi - Futurist Library
Bahbak Hashemi-Nezhad and Lola Halifa-Legrand - Dispatches on the Future City
Hamid Dabashi - Building a Public Realm: Imagining a Future for Old Doha
Michelle Dezember - What is our Globalised Urban Future?
Saskia Sassen and Irit Rogoff - How do Resources Impact our Ability to Think About the Future?
Noura Al Sayeh - Towards A Thermodynamic Urban Design
Philippe Rahm - What Do We Need to Deconstruct?
Nasser Rabbat - We Are Here to Stay
Jeanne van Heeswijk and Britt Jurgensen - Colophon