
Matthew Crawley

Matthew Crawley, Carpetbagger, 2016. Installation view at India Buildings

Matthew Crawley, Life Cycle of a Mould Mite, 2015. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Matthew Crawley, Oakwood Gallery ll, 2011. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Matthew Crawley, Pilgrim (b road version), 2014. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Matthew Crawley, Carpetbagger, 2016. Installation view at India Buildings

Matthew Crawley (b. 1965, York, UK) lives in Leeds, UK. Crawley’s practice may be seen as a particular polemic brought about in some part by the influence of his day job, that of Art technician. With an eclectic approach, the artist has, amongst other things, made manifest an invisible friend, crafted a wicker footstool (under supervision), assumed the identity of a Sardinian Bottlenose Dolphin, resurrected a closed provincial Art Gallery and constructed a 1 to 1 scale facsimile of his then-13-year-old daughter’s bedroom. 

Recent projects and solo exhibitions include Life Cycle of a Mould Mite, Leeds Weirdo Club, Leeds, UK (2015); Cheesecube, Toast, Manchester, UK (2015); Exhibition, CIRCA Projects, Workplace Gallery, Gateshead, UK (2015); First Year, Leeds Weirdo Club, Leeds, UK (2014). In 2012, Crawley together with Harry Meadley and David Steans, founded the Leeds Weirdo Club.

Matthew Crawley is a Liverpool Biennial Associate Artist. Crawley has been paired with Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo (Art Historian at the Complutense University if Madrid, Spain).

Matthew Crawley at Liverpool Biennial 2016

Carpetbagger, 2016
Carpet fitters misplaced sweatshirt presented in a sports memorabilia style frame
Exhibited at the India Buildings

Oakwood Gallery II, 2011
Recovered acrylic sign, commissioned fluorescent lightbox
Exhibited at the India Buildings