
Arseny Zhilyaev

Arseny Zhilyaev, Last Planet Parade, 2016. Installation view at Granby Four Streets. Photo: Mark McNulty

Arseny Zhilyaev, Last Planet Parade, 2016. Installation view at Granby Four Streets. Photo: Mark McNulty

Arseny Zhilyaev, Cradle of Humankind, 2015. Installation view. Courtesy of the artist and V-A-C Foundation, photo by Alex Maguire

Arseny Zhilyaev, Cradle of Humankind, 2015. Installation view. Courtesy of the artist and V-A-C Foundation, photo by Alex Maguire

Arseny Zhilyaev, Cradle of Humankind, 2015. Installation view. Courtesy of the artist and V-A-C Foundation, photo by Alex Maguire

Arseny Zhilyaev, Last Planet Parade, 2016. Installation view at Granby Four Streets. Photo: Mark McNulty

Arseny Zhilyaev (b. 1984, Voronezh, Russia) lives in Moscow and Voronezh, Russia. Using artistic, political, scientific, and museological histories to uncover and propose potential futures, Zhilyaev explores a productive space between fiction and non-fiction. Within his recent projects, the artist casts a revisionist lens on the heritage of soviet museology. Since 2011, Zhilyaev has also been a member of the editorial board of the Moscow art magazine, Khudozhestvennyi Zhurnal. He is a contributor of e-flux journal and others. 

For Liverpool Biennial 2016 Zhilyaev has created ‘Last Planet Parade’, a work that includes a small museological exhibition and stained glass windows in a terraced house in Granby Four Streets. The work is based on the Russian term ‘Planet Parade’, used to describe the appearance of a very intense concentration of stars and planets in the night sky – re-imagined as the pattern occurs on the last days of Earth: the ‘Last Planet Parade’.

Recent exhibitions include venues such as Casa dei Tre Oci, V-A-C Foundation, Venice, Italy (2015); Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, France and San Francisco, USA (2014); V-A-C Foundation, Moscow, Russia (2012); and Tretyakov State Gallery, Moscow, Russia (2012).

Arseny Zhilyaev at Liverpool Biennial 2016

Last Planet Parade, 2016
Stained glass window, books, images, printed photographs, newspaper articles
Commissioned by Liverpool Biennial  
Exhibited at Granby Four Streets

Supported by

Dilyara Allakhverdova and Elchin Safarov