Paul Elliman – Liverpool Biennial 2018

16.5.2018, Interviews

"As a young person in the late 70s, I could see shifts in the way art is made that parallel the path that my father took from the car industry to the computer industry." 

Inspired by the progression of post-war contemporary art and his father's experience of working in the car manufacturing industry, Paul Elliman first developed his Found Font in the 1980s. This visual language, created from gathering letter-like objects and debris, has been used by Elliman with designers Sara de Bondt and Mark El-khatib to create the visual identity for Liverpool Biennial 2018. Watch as Elliman discusses this influence of art and industry on his practice and shares his thoughts on the title of this year's festival: Beautiful world, where are you?

Liverpool Biennial 2018: Beautiful world, where are you? takes place from 14 July – 28 October across the city’s public spaces, galleries, museums and civic buildings.