Hassan Khan: A short story based on a distant memory…

16.10.2014, Performances

A short story based on a distant memory with a long musical interlude
is Hassan Khan’s suspenseful story in pulp literary Arabic, which attempts to discover the work, the direct and abstract power of music, childhood memories, the driving anger one depends upon when writing, and the elusive search for simplicity.

Hassam Khan is an artist, musician and writer living in Cairo, Egypt. He works with image, sound, text, space and situation. As a musician he has composed soundtracks for theatre and performed his own pieces in many venues. His albumtabla dubbis available on the 100copies label. Khan is also published widely in both Arabic and English. 

The performance took place in The Kazimier on 20 September 2014 as part of The Companion performance weekend – an experimental programme that brought together a group of artists for a few days in the city of Liverpool.

Part of the 8th Liverpool Biennial Exhibition, A Needle Walks Into A Haystack, 5 July – 26 October 2014 .