To Laura Robertson

20 November 2014

The Florrie

Image courtesy Charlotte Horn

The Florrie

Image courtesy Charlotte Horn

Laura Robertson
Liverpool, UK

San Francisco, USA
20 November 2014

Dear Laura

I received the notes, transcripts etc from the week of The Resident. You and your team did an incredible job in capturing the range and texture of the discussions. It’s a great document. My task would be impossible without it. Thank you.

It was good to meet you properly, and learn about Double Negative.

Plus, it was good to talk together, especially in our group on the final day, about the place of writing and communications in the context of the Liverpool Biennial, and for art and artists in the city. How to support critical art writing in the city? How might the Biennial generate a collective writing, with broad participation, that has as much weight as the handful of critics writing for the newspapers?

If there can be Curatorial Correspondents, why not Community Correspondents?

Perhaps a writer in residence? Perhaps a publisher in residence?

Doubtless the nature of writing (and publishing) in and around the Biennial would have to change.

Let me know if you still want me to put you in touch with those online art publications in the US.

Best wishes