February 2025
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Volksboutique Accounting Archive

In Liverpool, as part of the International 2002, Hill is running the Volksboutique Accounting Archive. The Archive, as described by the artist, is ‘established in the city centre to provide a point of departure and an access zone for participants. This space becomes a sculptural event, a visual document of the "world" that the participants are entering. It echoes a polling station, a campaign office, a room for taking names and numbers, a place where ledgers are and desks are housed. This place features a complete functioning accounting office and an administrator who is occupied with the task of interviewing and assisting participants in their entries to the Archive’. With insight into the Liverpudlian character, Hill based her inspiration for the Archive on her first encounters with people in the city. ‘I was impressed with the number of people who had opinions about the city and seemed to want to share them with me. It seemed a very storied place, also one with a great deal of misunderstanding surrounding it. I wanted to invent something that would catalogue these stories, collect them for review, something that would "account for" the variations in accounts of the place. Something that would try to provide a consensus or poll.’ David Thorp

Project Credits Courtesy Volksboutique, Galerie EIGEN+ART, Berlin and Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York Comissioned by Henry Moore Foundation Contemporary Projects With thanks to: Volksboutique; Galerie EIGEN+ART, Leipzig/Berlin; Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York


14 September – 24 November 2002


Pleasant Street