Announcing SWAP: UK/Ukraine Artist Residency Programme 2017

Artist-designed Arriva buses in Liverpool: Frances Disley, Blaze, 2016; Hato with Childwall Academy, Hello Future Me, 2016; Ana Jotta, Mrs. Muir, 2016. Photo: Niall Lea 

Artist-designed Arriva buses in Liverpool: Frances Disley, Blaze, 2016; Hato with Childwall Academy, Hello Future Me, 2016; Ana Jotta, Mrs. Muir, 2016. Photo: Niall Lea 

Liverpool Biennial and the British Council in Ukraine are delighted to launch the second iteration of SWAP: UK/Ukraine Artist Residency Programme. The programme will connect artists from Ukraine and the UK and support their professional development, whilst giving them the time to research, reflect and explore the two countries’ vast artistic traditions.

There is an opportunity for four UK-based artists to undertake a residency in Ukraine for up to 45 days throughout August – September 2017 in Kharkiv, and September – October 2017 in Kyiv. The residencies will engage with some of the most innovative and experimental visual arts initiatives across the country, culminating in an exhibition in Kyiv.

The call for UK-based artists is now open for applications until 30 June 2017. Artists will be provided with travel, accommodation, a studio, per diems and a stipend for production/research. Download the Application Pack for more information on how to apply.

There is also an opportunity for four Ukraine-based artists to undertake a residency in Liverpool, curated by the Liverpool Biennial team. The selection panel is looking for ground-breaking artists whose practice complements the ethos of the Biennial – to broaden and deepen engagement with contemporary art. The residencies will last from September – October 2017 in Liverpool. Visit the British Council in Ukraine’s website for more information.

The SWAP programme is delivered in collaboration with Liverpool partners Bluecoat, FACT and Open Eye Gallery; and Ukrainian partners Mystetskyi Arsenal, Izolyatsia. Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Soshenko 33 Art Studios, YermilovCentre and Kharkiv Municipal Art Gallery.