Share Your YouTube Memories Inspired by Mark Leckey's Dream English Kid

Posted on 4 September 2016 by Liverpool Biennial

Mark Leckey, Dream English Kid, 1964 – 1999 AD, 2015. Photo courtesy of the artist and Cabinet London

Mark Leckey, Dream English Kid, 1964 – 1999 AD, 2015. Photo courtesy of the artist and Cabinet London

Can most of our memories be found on the internet? Turner Prize winning artist Mark Leckey became fascinated by this question after stumbling across found footage a Joy Division gig he attended in 1979 at Eric’s nightclub in Liverpool whilst browsing YouTube one evening. The experience initiated an attempt to create a record of all the significant events of his life from the 1970s until the 1990s, using archival material from television shows, advertisements and music. The result, Dream English Kid 1966 – 1999AD, is currently on show at Blade Factory as part of Liverpool Biennial 2016.

What memories of your own – be it music, politics or culture-related – can you find on YouTube? Share in the comments section below to win a pair of tickets for the screening of Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore + Q&A with Mark Leckey on 29 September at FACT. Here's Leckey's account and check out some of the Biennial team's for inspiration. 

This takes me back to 1999 in Syntagma, Athens, about 10 years before the square became host to demonstrations and the main arena for public debates held by the Indignados of Greece against the austerity measures. In Greece, it is common to protest through singing. The reason for the protest back then was the war in Yugoslavia and many known musicians – including Mikis Theodorakis, one of Greece's prominent composers – took part. The video shows the hip-hop group Active Member singing 'Φύγε απο Δώ' which translates as 'Go away from here', and culminates in one of its members burning his American passport on stage, in protest against the war. I was a student and remember going there with friends from university.  – Sevie, Assistant Curator  

I remember an incredible amount of anticipation and preparation, for what I felt was a very anti-climactic 15 seconds.  –  David, Marketing & Communications Intern 

Growing up in the 1990s, one of my favourite pastimes was watching a Japanese anime TV series based on Brother Grimm's and other folk tales. Bluebeard was the darkest one of these – a young peasant girl is married off to a rich aristocrat with an air of mystery about him. She's given access to the castle's many rooms, overflowing with the world's most beautiful jewels and dresses, but cannot resist the temptation to open the one room she's forbidden to. Some really disturbing stuff ensues. The tale didn't have a clear protagonist that you could fully sympathise with and exposed in a quite direct manner some dark truths about human nature. It captivated me and so I was thrilled to find it online years later. Apparently it was only broadcast in a somewhat random selection of countries including Bulgaria, Colombia and the Philippines. – Joanne, Communications Officer

This is a famous Dutch clip featuring Linda, Roos and Jessica; the main actresses of a hugely popular soap opera in the Netherlands. They started a ‘band’ and I used to dance to this track on stage during the mini-performances we used to give each Friday afternoon at school. –  Mels, Assistant Curator  

When it came to deciding what I wanted to do after Sixth Form, I knew I wanted to go to university to study Fine Art but felt really torn. Despite my parents being really supportive, I was being pushed towards Geographical Sciences or English by a lot of peers and teachers, because these subjects were considered to have ‘better career prospects’. The whole thing was really confusing. My Art teacher at the time, Andy Valentine, noticed I was struggling with the decision and showed me this video one day after class. I ended up applying for the BA (hons) Fine Art course at Liverpool John Moores University later that evening. I often share this video with others and always wonder if I would have come to Liverpool had it not been for this video on YouTube. –  Lucy, PA & Operations Officer 

There are several adverts that I specifically remember from growing up as a child, but for some reason this Reebok advert particularly sticks in my mind. It’s the one of the belly chasing a man down the street – maybe it’s because I found it quite scary at the time. –  Jenny, Front of House Coordinator 

I think it’s quite obvious. –  Rosie, Head of Programmes

What memories can you find on YouTube? Share your own in the comments below.