SWAP: UK/Ukraine Residency Programme

Kyung Hwa Shon, He Needs My Eye Looking At Him. He Needs Me To Prove He's Alive, 2016-2018. Image courtesy Evgen Nikiforov, British Council in Ukraine.

Vova Vorotniov, Omnirhombus, 2017-2018. Image courtesy Evgen Nikiforov, British Council in Ukraine.

Vova Vorotniov, White Celebration, 2013; Blue Panel, 2013. Image courtesy the artist. Photo: Sergey Illin © PinchukArtCentre 

Kyung Hwa Shon, He Needs My Eye Looking At Him. He Needs Me To Prove He's Alive, 2016-2018. Image courtesy Evgen Nikiforov, British Council in Ukraine.

The SWAP: UK/Ukraine residency programme was launched by the British Council in Ukraine and Liverpool Biennial in 2016. It connects artists and curators from Ukraine and the UK, supporting their professional development and internationalisation. The programme also gives artists and curators the time to research, reflect and explore the two countries’ vast artistic traditions.

In Ukraine, the British Council works with the YermilovCentre and the Kharkiv Municipal Art Gallery in Kharkiv, the Museum of Odesa Modern Art in Odesa, Izolyatsia: Platform for Cultural Initiatives in Kiyv, and Jam Factory Art Center and Centre for Urban History in Lviv. In the UK, Liverpool Biennial works with partner venues Bluecoat, FACT, Open Eye Gallery and previously The Royal Standard.


4-week residency for Ukraine-based curator in Liverpool:
Lina Romanukha

4-week residency for Ukraine-based artists in Liverpool:
Anna Kakhiani, Nikolay Karabinovych, Victoria Myronyuk

4-week residency for UK-based artists in Ukraine:
Dana Venezia, Helen Anna Flanagan, Jaimini Patel, Martim Ramos, Riccardo Matlakas, Susannah Stark

4-month residency for a Ukraine-based curator at Liverpool Biennial:
Olena Kasperovych


Short residency for Ukraine-based artists in Liverpool:
Polina Karpova, Maria Kulikovska, Anton Lapov, Vova Vorotniov

Short residency for UK-based artists in Kharkiv and Kyiv, Ukraine:
Kyung Hwa Shon, Stephen Sheehan, Vicki Thornton, Adam J B Walker


4-month residency for a Ukraine-based curator at Liverpool Biennial:
Lizaveta German

8-week residency programme for Ukraine-based artists in Liverpool:
Kateryna Berlova, Oleksander Burlaka, Mitya Churikov, Alevtina Kakhidze

1-month residency for UK-based artists in Ukraine:
Vaughan Pilikian, Harriet Fleuriot, Jin He Park, Sarah Tynan, Sarah Lippett, Jamie Fitzpatrick