Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Plateau

Ryan Gander with Jamie Clark, Phoebe Edwards, Tianna Mehta, Maisie Williams and Joshua Yates, From five minds of great vision (The Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King disassembled and reassembled to conjure resting places in the public realm), 2018. Installation view at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, Liverpool Biennial 2018. Photo: Rob Battersby

Ryan Gander with Jamie Clark, Phoebe Edwards, Tianna Mehta, Maisie Williams and Joshua Yates, From five minds of great vision (The Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King disassembled and reassembled to conjure resting places in the public realm), 2018. Installation view at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, Liverpool Biennial 2018. Photo: Rob Battersby

Five bench-like sculptures can be found on the plateau behind the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. For this new commission, Ryan Gander dissected a model of architect Frederick Gibberd’s modernist cathedral into a series of simple ‘building blocks’. The blocks were then reassembled into different configurations by schoolchildren from Liverpool: Jamie Clark, Phoebe Edwards, Tianna Mehta, Maisie Williams and Joshua Yates. The maquettes that Gander and the children created have been reproduced on a larger scale to produce this new public seating arrangement within the cathedral grounds. This presentation is part of a larger project, Time Moves Quickly.

The Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King was designed by architect Frederick Gibberd and opened in 1967. The Grade II listed building has become a Brutalist icon and is a symbol of Catholic life, worship and community in the city. Along with daily masses and services, the Cathedral runs a diverse programme of concerts, exhibitions and special events.