
Patrick Murphy

Patrick Murphy, Belonging, 2012. Photograph by Christopher Thomond

Patrick Murphy, Belonging, 2012. Photograph by Christopher Thomond

Patrick Murphy, Belonging, 2012. Photograph by Christopher Thomond

Banished from city centres and branded a nuisance, pigeons will become a familiar sight at the Walker Art Gallery during the Biennial, when around 150 brightly coloured birds adorned the exterior of the gallery.

Belonging elevates the very familiar site of pigeons from their everyday urban context; here they are welcome, colourful visitors. However the installation also evokes questions about ownership and feelings of being accepted or marginalised. Anthropomorphised, the pigeons can be seen to represent any group that struggles to find a natural home or sense of acceptance in a physical or geographical space.

Patrick Murphy at Liverpool Biennial 2012

Belonging, 2012

Exhibited at Walker Art Gallery