Terrence Handscomb, Der Himmel über Kalifornien, (installation view), 2007
Stranger than Fiction at FACT presented a number works that reference sensory deprivation, the unearthing of memory, objects and history, where the audience is invited to build their own connections in confronting the void. All the artworks contributed to the wider themes of abstraction and storytelling.
Terrence Handscomb’s (b. 1948, Wellington) video installation, Der Himmel über Kalifornien (2007), was a sardonic critique of Californian culture, an obscure dreamspace. Handscomb, based in Los Angeles, took some fundamental Californian cultural tropes – a fascination with the body, cosmetic surgery and the prolongation of youth, science-fiction mysticism and the suspension of death – and stired them all into a thick mix of low-resolution Film-Noir stylistics. Having also lived in Germany, Handscomb compares these two great nations and their cultural identities.
Der Himmel über Kalifornien, 2007
Single channel video installation
Exhibited at FACT
Creative nz
Arts Council of New Zealand
Toi Aotearoa
Liverpool Biennial
55 New Bird Street
Liverpool L1 0BW
Liverpool Biennial is funded by
Founding Supporter
James Moores