Fred Wilson, Viewing the invisible: an installation By Fred Wilson, 1998 (Detail) at The Ian Potter Museum of Art, Univerisy of Melbourne. Photograph by Robert Colvin
Fred Wilson, Viewing the invisible: an installation By Fred Wilson, 1998 (Detail) at The Ian Potter Museum of Art, Univerisy of Melbourne. Photograph by Robert Colvin
For TRACE, american artist Fred Wilson (b. 1954, Bronx) used the archives of Liverpool universities and museums to develop his piece for the exhibition. His work explores the implications of historical study within the contemporary world and approaches the theme of the trace through the academic tradition. Where other participating artists focus on individual memory and personal experience, Wilson's piece was a reflection on the nature of collective memory. His interventions represented objects from museum collections in an effort to illuminate associations that were absent or invisible in the museum context.
Untitled, 1999
Site specific work
Courtesy the artist and Metro Pictures, New York
Liverpool Biennial
55 New Bird Street
Liverpool L1 0BW
Liverpool Biennial is funded by
Founding Supporter
James Moores