Ernesto Neto, Densidade e Buracos de Minhoca (installation view), 1999
Ernesto Neto (b. 1964, Rio de Janeiro) has created a world between body and architecture. His sculptures articulate the spaces of buildings while simulating bodily membranes. His basic forms are constructed from poliamid: a stretch material like stockingette that he distends into various configurations. These empty structures are articulated by being pulled across architectural spaces or gorged with substances like powdered turmeric or lead shot. The process is always intrinsic to the form.
In other installations Neto has created entire rooms out of poliamid material suspended from existing ceiling structures. The corners are weighted and looped over beams or rings to create a semi-transparent cube with concave walls. These walls are disturbingly skin-like, an association that the artist sometimes highlights by embroidering small orifices into the membrane. Other poliamid objects are arranged in clusters, taking the form of soft standing tubes like fungi or crowds of amorphous figures. In every case the works are highly sensual, an experience heightened by the aroma of turmeric or cloves, which strikes visitors long before they see the installation.
Densidade e Buracos de Minhoca
, 1999
Mixed media installation
Collection Galeria Camargo Vilaça
Liverpool Biennial
55 New Bird Street
Liverpool L1 0BW
Liverpool Biennial is funded by
Founding Supporter
James Moores